Election Protection: How to Guard Your Assets by Putting a Strategic Gifting Plan in Place NOW

November Could Bring About Dramatic Changes to Estate Taxes Retroactive to January 2021 If you have assets that total $3,500,000 or more, you should seriously explore whether you need to do some estate tax planning before the end of the year.  Failure to do so could result in a large tax due on your estate …


Asset Protection:
The Overlooked Trap in Estate Plans

The always insightful Dr. Seuss once said “I’m sorry to say, but sadly it’s true, that bang ups and hang ups can happen to you.” Due to sometimes unforeseen circumstances, such as downturns in the economy, failing businesses and automobile accidents, many people who have never been sued or had problems with their creditors find …


The Risks of Holding Assets in a Subchapter-S Corporation

Subchapter-S corporations have long been the business entity of choice for small, closely held businesses.  They help protect the shareholders from liabilities that may arise from the business of the corporation.  They avoid the “double taxation” problems created by traditional corporations that have not elected to be taxed under subchapter-S of the Internal Revenue Code. …


All LLCs Formed After The End of This Month Must Comply with new Arizona Limited Liability Company Act (ALLCA)!

Fiduciary Duties and Operating Agreements…OH MY! SB 1353 (ALLCA) was 25 years coming. We only have a short time now, however, to comply. A huge percentage of Arizona business entities, your clients and ours, are LLCs. By next year (after August 31, 2020), all existing and future LLCs are subject to the new law. Here …


ALERT: Owners of Family Businesses and Real Estate Need to Act Now

If you (or your parents) own a business that you (or they) intend to pass to the next generation, you need to seriously consider whether your business succession plan needs to be completed before the end of 2016. This applies to both active businesses as well as passive investments such as investment real property. On August …


What Do You Have in Common with Tony Soprano?

James Gandolfini, the actor who played Tony Soprano in the popular television series The Sopranos, died of a heart attack last summer while on vacation in Italy. Since then, countless articles have been written by estate planning attorneys and others analyzing, criticizing, and dissecting the lessons to be learned from his estate plan. Most people …